Wednesday, January 15, 2020

Electrical and electrochemical activities of heart Essay

Heart is the chief organ of body it can be defined as â€Å"The hollow muscular organ its rhythmic retrenchment flows blood all the way throughout the body†. (Heart electrical) Natural pace maker is established in human heart, this pace maker start working from right atria and ventricle it stimulates their muscles. Sinoarterial node SAN is found in between upper portion of the heart, after stimulating right portion of heart it stimulates the left atria and ventricle afterward adrenaline is secreted from nervous system which speed up the spark electrical impulses or in supplementary words regulates the electrical impulses. Normal heart beats are 72 per minute but in case of running, exercising, taking stress high fever heart beats are increased because Nervous system release more adrenaline. Another motivating topic of our article covers is electrocardiogram that is the measurement of heart beats by special electrode on paper or screen. So at this point in this article we will study in detail regulatory activities of heart which factors are involves in regulation of heart beats and keeps heart normal and vigorous, how these factors are generated and how did they achieve their work this is all we are going to study in element to enhance our understandings about facts of science. Electrical and electrochemical activities of heart In human heart natural pace maker is found, the function which naturally has been given to pace maker is to regulate the heart for performing this responsibility it has to go from very different phases. Pace maker is found in the superior right portion of heart that is Right atrium this is the place from where the pace maker gathers the specialized cells termed as â€Å"Sino arterial node â€Å"so these cells are also termed as pace maker. As the heart beats it generates the electrical sparks per minute, the spark which has been generated by specialized cell, the function of these sparks is to stimulate the muscles. First it stimulates the superior chamber of heart it has to wait unless the atria get empty from blood. After stimulating the upper atria it stimulates the ventricles electrically, similarly it affects the left atria and ventricle in this sequence. If we go in depth we will come to know that everything function of body is being controlled by the nervous system, here nervous system is releasing the adrenaline the adrenaline is computable to increase or speed up the sparks per minute, the normal heart beats are 72 per minute but incase of fever, excitement, stress or any mental or physical stress can speedup the rate of heart beats in result breathless condition occur while on the other during resting situation it is decreased . Let us talk about the phases or ladder which takes place in the electrical activity of heart ,As we have talked before it is generated in the sinoatrial node (SAN) which is located in superior Right chamber of heart this is the location from where these electrical impulses propagated to the artrioventricular node ( AVN ) artrioventricular node is seen between the atria and ventricles. After reaching at (AVN) these electrical impulse are send to the into branching tissues right bundle branch is termed as (RBBB) and left bundle branch is termed is as the (LBBB) there are further more division to there Left bundle branches which are known as fascicles first of all electrical impulses are generated in SAN which primary makes the right and left atria to treaty and after couple of seconds it makes right and left ventricle to contract this depolarization takes place continuously in every 2-3 seconds, when SAN is at rest it makes 60-70 signals a minute rate can be speedup by SAN due to exercise or and physical activity which can produce stressed up condition. When SAN fails to work AVN can takes its position but AVN is slow as compare to SAN the reason is that SAN at resting position produces 60-7- signals while AVN at resting position produces 30-40 signals which are very less as compare to SAN’S signals. ( How heart works) this sequence of electrical activities of heart can be noted by electrocardiogram this is the process by which activities can be registered on paper by special electrode use for this process (Heart Electrical Activity). In human body there are many chemicals found every chemical has its own duty assign by nature in regulation of heart there are also few chemicals involved which stimulates the function of heart . Neuroendocrine system helps heart to maintain its regulation this system is linked with the brain and endocrine system this is the system in which neurons and endocrine system work together electrical impulses are given by SAN whereas the endocrine system gives the chemical impulses , Neuroendocrine system is the complex system which work together this is very complicated system , it uses the nerve symbol to and changes the activity of cells as well the diameter of blood vessels it can also effect the heart rate and the rate of contraction. ( Heart Failure) Electrochemical activities of heart stimulate the heart beats heart regulation, they play very important role in life, in the body as everything depends upon the function of hearts because when heart gets electrical stimulation it transport/ pumps the blood to the system another factor which helps in pumping the blood is heart beats which is also generated by stimulation of muscles. standard heart beats are 72 per minute which are created by stimulation of heart muscles but if they are less than harmfl affects are possible to the body the less then normal heart beats could be 35 – 40 heart beats per minute then blood stream to body’s organ reduces which is dangerous (How heart works) It is a firm believe that reduction in I reduces AP polarization which in result reduces the electrochemical diving force similarly amount of SR Ca is also reduces which is necessary for the contraction of hearts muscles if we go in depth we will come to know that Na, I, K also reduces due to some abnormality and it is like a chain system if one thing is affected the entire system will be affected but here we are sescribing only the loss cause by reduction in Ca as Ca is reduced it reduces heart beats and blood transport is reduced if thing is not cover soon it can cause breathless condition as blood carries oxygen and reduction in heart beats reduces blood transport so this is one bad trait for body. Similarly reduction in I causes reduction in polarization this system is interlinked with one an other. It has also been believed that potassium K changes into HF and HF reduces Ca, it has been observed that many late HF patients who doesn’t notice their ailment before gets death because of heart abnormality, DADs, EADs and Refs decreased the amount of Ca in myocytes this reduced amount of Ca in myocytes causes systolic disjunction in Hf. Systolic means when heart contracts it is termed a systolic and when it rest it is termed diastolic so here Reduction of Ca in myocytes reduced the heart contraction it is an another thing if Ca continue leaking it may cause to death. Electrical and electrochemical regulation of heart Conclusion After reading this attention-grabbing topic we can come up with the conclusion that heart is one of the biggest gifts of God given to humans. As nature has assign functions to every part of the body similarly nature has given special function to heart which makes heart extremely important organ it transmit blood to complete body parts. There are few electrical and electrochemical behavior found in heart which helps heart in performing its main function that is creating heart beats carrying impulses. In right atrium of heart sinoatrial node (SAN) is found which also works as pace maker these sinoatrial nodes are special cells found in right atrium they generate the electrical impulses which stimulates the right atrium cell and wait unless it get emptied after now these electrical impulses moves to the atrioventricular node (AVN) now these electrical impulses are send into branching tissues right bundle branch is called (RBBB) and left bundle branch is termed as (LBBB) first it functions in right atrium and ventricle and then in few seconds after performing its task in right part of heart it moves to the left part of the heart and functions in left atrium and then left ventricle this is how electrical impulses carry in heart and makes it empty and refill in couple of seconds. Adrenaline also plays very important role in this process here nervous system plays an important role it secreted adrenaline to it is chemical by nature and it is responsible for speeding up the sparks ( electrical impulses) per minute so in this way heart continue to work by electrically and electrochemically. The methods which has been found by the scientist to record these impulses is ECG electrocardiogram this is recent and helpful technique to check whether the heart is working normally or not in this method heart rhythms are noted on paper or screen by specially assigned electrode. Now a days artificial pace maker is also being made to control abnormalities of heart. Here in this important topic we also read about that what the lack of any element present of excess of any element or chemical can do with our heart. Nature has given quantity to everything increasing from that or decreasing from that spoils the entire system here we also read about the reduction in Ca, Ca is basic need of heart to continue it heart beats here we come to know that reduction in Ca is mainly caused by reduction in things which are supporting it in background, Ca reduction causes great loss to heart that is it decreases contraction rate of heart when the heart start contracting less than it is required entire system of body is effected because heart carries blood to all part of the body if heart starts working slow then blood also starts reduces and in this way all system are being effected that’s what makes one lazy and the major loss cause by this is the heart failure if it is continuously reducing than a time will come when heart will stop working and one meets his death. After reading this prolong article we come up with the conclusion that heart is not only one organ which is supporting all the functions infect heart is being supported by many internal plus many external features such these all things work together in a chain like system if one thing is effected the entire system got effected this chain which consist of Electrical impulses electrochemical impulses , heart , factors affecting heart , environment and many more things are involved this chain system is necessary for healthy life we should take care of our health for out better tomorrow.

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